
Cuvette Sample Holder
Sample holder for standard cuvettes
Used with 3/8" diameter Raman probe focusing lens barrel
Adjustable cuvette height
Adjustable focus of focusing lens barrel

Swagelok Flow Cell
Swagelok flow cell for gas or liquid
Removable Raman probe without breaking the flow cell seal
Available with fuse silica or sapphire optical windows
High pressure (>3000 psi and high temperature (>300 C) applications
Available with Kalrez or gold o-ring seal
Available with 1/4" to 1" Swagelok fittings

Vacuum Raman Probe Flange
Conflat (CF) flange Raman probe interface for Raman vacuum application
Fused silica or sapphire window
Indium seal
Below 1x10-9 mbar l/s He leak rate
Removable Raman probe without breaking vacuum

Micro Flow Cell
Microflow cell Raman measurements
19 microliter internal volume
316 stainless steel construction standard (other materials such as Hastelloy and Inconel available)
1/4-28 Omnifit fitting, 1/16" tubing
Available with our general purpose Raman probe head or our process Raman probe head

Lens Barrels
Fused silica or sapphire window
Kalrez O-ring compression seal
6000 psi pressure rating
325 ⁰C temperature rating