Raman Systems

Portable RAMS
Employs high throughput VPH grating spectrograph
Compact and lightweight
Battery power capability
Available with 532 nm or 785 nm laser excitation sources
Deep cooled (-60 °C) CCD detector
Bundled with SpectraSoft software
Process analysis capability using SpectraChem chemometric plug-in software

Figure 1. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Raman spectrum, 1 sec. integration

Figure 2. Dark current at different CCD cooling temperatures,1sec. integration

Rackmount RAMS
Employs high throughput VPH grating, multi-fiber input spectrograph
4U or 6U rack mount enclosures
Multiple probes input versions (6 channels maximum) with simultaneous Raman measurements from each probe
Each probe connected to its own laser source
Deep cooled (-60 °C) CCD detector
Available with 532 nm, 671 nm or 785 nm laser excitation sources
Bundled with SpectraSoft software
Process analysis capability using SpectraChem chemometric plug-in software

Figure 3. Simultaneous analysis of 2 samples with separate Raman probes