Why Choose Spectra Solutions?
At Spectra Solutions, Inc. we strive to make products that stands out in terms of superior performance, ease of use, reliability, and robustness.
We are committed to providing superior customer service and technical support to ensure that our products are in their optimal performance to meet and exceed our customer's expectations. We provide unparalleled, complete system solutions from probes and instruments to software and accessories tailored to our customer's needs to give our customer total control over their unique application.

Core Products Advantages
Our uniquely designed Raman probes incorporate interchangeable components that gives customer flexibility in choosing the desired focusing lens barrel and optical fiber that fits their particular application. Drawing on our expertise in optic design, we can manufacture probes with long collimation beams, which allows the use of a long focusing lens barrel up to 16" long and wide range of lens barrel diameter (1/4" to 1" size). Using our proprietary alignment process and probe design, we can rapidly manufacture probes for fast delivery to customers. Our process probes incorporates sealed lens barrel that enables the deployment in harsh environment including radiation, chemical, vacuum, high temperature and high pressure.
The importance of high sensitivity and low noise are essential in the design of our Raman instruments. The spectrographs in our instruments employ high throughput VPH transmission gratings, F2 optics to optimize the coupling of optical fibers, and deep cooling, 2-dimensional CCD detector for low noise measurements. The 2-dimensional CCD detector provides our Raman instruments the unique capability of monitoring several probes simultaneously.

Custom Design
We work closely with customers to solve specific application needs. Our team of engineers and spectroscopists are highly qualified to formulate unique solutions to a wide variety of problems. Our previous custom projects include designing radiation hardened probes for the nuclear industry, automated polarization Raman probe for 3D-polymer printing, standoff telescopic detection probe and underwater fluorescence sensor that is integratabtle with side scan sonar.

OEM Customers
We provide custom probe and instrument solutions in an OEM basis to various Raman instrument vendors worldwide. We work closely with our OEM partners to provide products based on their specifications. Our engineers are experts in developing tailored solutions to our OEM customer specific projects.